Wednesday, April 27, 2016

SharePoint InfoPath form publishing not working



You have copied or restored you SharePoint list with custom InfoPath form with items. When you open the list using "Customize in InfoPath" and try to publish back the form you get an error

The SOAP response indicates that an error occurred on the server:

Server was unable to process request. ---> List does not exist.

The page you selected contains a list that does not exist.  It may have been deleted by another user. ---> List does not exist.

The page you selected contains a list that does not exist.  It may have been deleted by another user.

The cause of this problem is that InfoPath form contains you previous or old list GUID in manifest file, that you can not see or find in design mode.


1) Open you list setting and copy the list guid from url after parameter "?List=<guild>".
2) Decode a string to a  standard GUID form to get similar string {551C58B1-C361-44B8-9733-07A5CB92D3DA}
3) Replace old list GUID with guid string you have just copied following the steps below using MS InfoPath software:

  1. Click File > Publish > Export Source Files in InfoPath.
  2. Open the Manifest.xsf in NotePad, find all instances of the sharepoint list ID and replace them with the new GUID of the list in the new site. There should be somewhere at the bottom of the file . If you have secondary data connections, update those also.
  3. Save the manifest.xsf file and close. Now right click on the manifest.xsf and select Design to open it back up in InfoPath. 
  4. Click on File > Publish and verify the that the form was published successfully .

Have a good day!!

Friday, April 1, 2016

What that data type of a value is in PowerShell

what that data type of a value is in PowerShell
PowerShell has a comparison operator called –is.  The –is operator simply response 
True or False when you use it to verify the data type of a value.  
The valid data types in PowerShell are:
[string]    Fixed-length string of Unicode characters
[char]      A Unicode 16-bit character
[byte]      An 8-bit unsigned character
[int]       32-bit signed integer
[long]      64-bit signed integer
[bool]      Boolean True/False value
[decimal]   A 128-bit decimal value
[single]    Single-precision 32-bit floating point number
[double]    Double-precision 64-bit floating point number
[DateTime]  Date and Time
[xml]       Xml object
[array]     An array of values
[hashtable] Hashtable object

Below is a script that will use –is to test some values.
$String = "Hello"
$Boolean = $True
$Int = 15

Write-Host "Test for string"
$String -is [String]
$Boolean -is [String]
$Int -is [String]
Test for string True False False
Write-Host "Test for Boolean"
$String -is [Boolean]
$Boolean -is [Boolean]
$Int -is [Boolean]
Test for Boolean False True False
Write-Host "Test for Integer"
$String -is [Int32]
$Boolean -is [Int32]
$Int -is [Int32]​​
Test for Integeк  False False True​