Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Validate the existence of user account in AD using Powershell

Check for user AD account existing with PowerShell script.
Once I needed to check if AD user account exists on server and is enabled.
There are two option to do that.
The first option is to use  Get-ADUser.
Make sure you install the module Active Directory.  

How to install and use Active Directory Module

The following example shows how to use the function:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$AccountName = $profile[[Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.PropertyConstants]::AccountName].Value ;

$SplitUserName = ($AccountName.Split("\")[1])
$UserExists = Get-ADUser -Filter {sAMAccountName -eq $UserName}
$UserName = $splitusername;
if ($UserExists -eq $null)
      Write-Host "User $AccountName does not exist in AD "
   if (!$UserExists.Enabled)
       Write-Host "User $AccountName is disabled"
        Write-Host "AD account  $AccountName is ok";
In my case I didn’t have the module Active Directory installed on production server, so I need to find the second way. I couldn’t use the function Get-ADUser from module ActiveDirectory. My opinion is to better to install the module because it has a lot of usefull functions that will makes yourlife easear. I didn’t have such opotunaty because installing module means to restart production server, but this approach I needed to escape, so I found the second option and wrote function.

# function Check-ADUser gets user name as a parametr
# return two properties:
# Status
#              return "0" if AD account doesn't exist in Active directory or was deleted
#              return "1" if the user exists.
# AccountEnable
#              return "0" if AD account is disabled
#          return "1" if AD account is enabled
# $UserStatus = (Check-ADUser -Username "testuser1").Status;
# $UserAccountEnabled = (Check-ADUser -Username "$SplitUserName").AccountEnable;
function Check-ADUser
Param ($Username)

    $ADRoot = [ADSI]''
    $ADSearch = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($ADRoot);
    $SAMAccountName = "$Username";
$ADSearch.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user(sAMAccountName=$SAMAccountName))";
    $Result = $ADSearch.FindAll();
      $Status = "-1";
      $Enabled = "-1";
    if($Result.Count -eq 0)
    { # "No such user on the Server"
        $Status = "0";
    { #"User exist on the Server"
        $Status = "1";
            foreach ($objResult in $Result)
            $objResult = $objResult.GetDirectoryEntry()
             if ($objResult.accountdisabled)
             #"Account diabled"
             $Enabled = "0";
            {  # "Account enabled"
            $Enabled = "1";
    $Results = New-Object Psobject
    $Results | Add-Member Noteproperty Status $Status
      $Results | Add-Member Noteproperty AccountEnable $Enabled
    Write-Output $Results   

Example how to use the function Check-ADUser:

$AccountName = $profile[[Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.PropertyConstants]::AccountName]
$SplitUserName = ($AccountName.Split("\")[1])
$UserName = $splitusername;
# check if user exists in AD
$UserExists = (Check-ADUser -Username $SplitUserName).Status;
$UserAccountEnabled = (Check-ADUser -Username $SplitUserName).AccountEnable;

if ($UserExists -ne 1)
   #"User does not exist in AD"
   if ($UserAccountEnabled -eq 0)
             #"Account is disabled"
           #"Account is ok"

I hope you will help this information.
Have a good day. :)